Dieter De Greef"Sketches"@Stripkever Galerie-Vernissage 9/11-Expo 10/11 until 10/12
Who and What is art-promotion?
Director : Vincent Verbist // Actionfields Gallery
more info:
Vincent Verbist // Actionfields presents:
New opening Hoogstraat 323BXL
12/9 -18/10 new opening @ Actionfields
The Whole Nine Yards
Thomas Huyghe
Tom Woestenborghs
Ben Kruisdijk & Conny Kuilboer
Villeroy & Boch
Sacha Eckes
Charlotte Lybeer & Barry Camps
Joachim Devillé
more info
New Projects:
About the Foundation
“EIDOS” International Charity Foundation is a non governmental organisation, the main purpose of which is to create a base for development and promotion of Contemporary Art in Ukraine and integrate the Ukrainian art to the world cultural space as well as to encourage the participation of young people in the development of contemporary art forms.
The idea of creating the Foundation “EIDOS” is to assist the development of a cultural policy in Ukraine and to promote national cultural achievements.
The main mission of “EIDOS” is to give an opportunity to the young generation to take part in creation of modern forms of culture.
Founders of the Foundation: Bereznitska Ludmila, Michailova Lubov and Peter Bagriy support the initiative of young artists in order to accelerate the tempo of deepening a national art scene and to widen it with the help of international projects. The Members of the Foundation are well-known public figures: Kathrin Singer-Zaharieva, Baron Willem Bentick, Vasiliy Kisil, Tatiana Andrienko, Eugenie Bereznitskiy, Sergey Vasiliev, Igor Golovan, Vera Nanivskaya, Valentine Panchenko, Oleg Sheyko, Prof. Peter Kliem and others.
The President of the Foundation is Ludmila Bereznitska, member of the Union of Artist of Ukraine, reader of the National Academy of Architecture and Art, curator and art-critic.
- “EIDOS-2006” Visual Arts International Competition
- Workshops «European standards in journalism»
- Annual scientific and practical conference «Contemporary Art – new areas»
- International Art Exhibitions
TRANSIT Thomas Raat: selected works
opening Sunday 28.10, 3 - 6 pm

Broadway Boogie Woogie 45°, 2007, plastic tape on paper, 200 x 150 cm
Fragment of a text by Erno Vroonen, 2007:
It fascinated him to see how works of art were handled once they had left the studio: how, for example, they became the object of aggression and corruption. It was not the normal state of a painting in a museum that interested him; his inspiration came more from works mutilated by razor-sharp knives or corrosive acids, or which were simply forged. It was these subtle elements in the history of a painting that became the subject of his own creations. Another thing that fascinated Raat about forgeries was that it was precisely by comparing the original with the forged picture that one could uncover the true essence of a masterpiece. It was from this study that Raat developed his new ‘paintings’, which presented themselves to the outside world as reverse X-rays and cross-sections of thought processes. Starting from a small detail, he was able to penetrate to the final visual motif by means of cutting and pasting. The success of a work depended on whether one could still feel the energy of the original image at the end of the process.
Vanaf nu!.. HISK
artist activity
Vanaf nu!..
thu 06.09.2007 → sat 01.12.0007
opening: thu 06.09.2007
Lange Leemstraat 387 - Antwerpen
Opening van een nieuwe tentoonstellingsruimte Groepstentoonstelling geïnstalleerd door Ricardo Brey en Willem Oorebeek Concept en selectie: Ulrike Lindmayr van 6 september tot 1 december 2007
With works of Maria Thereza Alves, Sven Augustijnen, Guillaume Bijl, Florian Bijloos, Ricardo Brey, Diego Bruno, Liv Bugge, Frank Castelijns, Wim Catrysse, Vaast Colson, George Condo, Leo Copers, Michael Curran, Anne Daems, René Daniëls, Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Jos De Gruyter & Harald Thys, Luc Deleu, Jimmie Durham, Joaquim Pereira Eires, Werner Feiersinger, Gottfried Feldner, Christoph Fink, Michel François, Bernard Frieze, Mario Gander, Cao Guimaraes, Geert Goiris, Kati Heck, Gottfried Hundsbichler, Ann Veronica Janssens, Emily Jacir, Ruben Kindermans, Suchan Kinoshita, Aglaia Konrad, John Körmeling, Bernd Lohaus, Sekjung Lee, Bjarne Melgaard, Jacqueline Mesmaeker, Wesley Meuris, Ludo Mich, Djo Moembo & Bren Heymans, Annelies Oberdanner, Willem Oorebeek, Ria Pacquée, Claudia Plank & Hans Werner Poschauko, Benoit Platéus, Klaus Pobitzer, Peter Rogiers, Guy Rombouts, Damaris Salewski, Keiko Sato, ManfreDu Schu, Walter Swennen, Koen Theys, Sven ’t Jolle, Jon Thompson, Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Dennis Tyfus, Guy Van Bossche, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Patrick Vanden Eynde, Els Vanden Meersch, Michael Van den Abeele, Koen van den Broek, Herman Van Ingelgem, Benjamin Verdonck, Richard Venlet, Gert Verhoeven, Henk Visch, Kris Vleeschouwer, Leon Vranken, Andrew Webb, Lois & Franziska Weinberger en Franz West.
openingsweekend (6-9 september):
donderdag 6 sept. nocturne: 18u tot 23u,
vrij+zat+zon: 13u tot 18u
Kattenberg 12 I 2140 Antwerp I +32-(3)295.86.36
Captain’s Log
“Ready For Take-Off”
Rachel Agnew I Ondrej Brody I Han Hoogerbrugge
Happy Famous Artists I Nadia Naveau
Runs until the 27th of October 2007
Actionfields vs L'ecurie Positionize I

4 kunstenaars ( Koen Moerenhout, Ludo Le Dent,Korneel Devillé en Jan Verbruggen) vertrekken vanuit een eigenzinnigevisie tenoverstaan positie. Het concept zal in de nabije toekomst nog een aantal keer herhaald worden. Zo wordt de basis gelegd van een grootschaliger tentoonstellingsproject dat zal doorgaan in februari
rue de Molenbeek 194, 198, 200
1020 Laeken - Bruxelles
vincent verbist
+32(0) 486 57 32 63